Its that time of the year where I work. Review time. I'll call it review, but they have some fancy management frou-frou name that conveniently has a three letter acronym. Its sort of a three word version of "screw you".
Can you think of management-speak that means screw-you but can be used for various career and performance reviews? Perhaps this could be a drinking game? Now that I mention it, this is probably how the term "Personal Business Commitments" was created.
So, I sat there looking at the commitments I made last year, and now one year later they seem so shallow. Pointless. Naive.
And then I had to look at the section on my "development". And this part hurt the most. It hurt because I love learning. I want to learn more. I want to be the best I can be at my job.
But at the place I work, they not only do not care about my development. They go to great lengths to try to make me "feel" like I am, but at zero cost to them. There are, in reality two costs. Firstly, the cost of the management time they waste on propaganda trying make us "think" we are developing. But then there is the loss of knowledge when people leave (and they are leaving) because they are tired of the propaganda.
As for me? Why was I not being "developed", or developing, or learning? Because they will not pay for any training in my specialisation. And secondly, I have to self-manage everything. From any servers I need to being forced to use their crappy, internal, bottom-dollar tools that don't work. Now that is time I will never see again and never get back.
Its a shame really, because I like the team I am on, and the people I report too. But the place is a mess.