Wednesday, 4 October 2017

No Testing Required

"Our code craft is so good we do not require testing."

Have you ever heard such a load of crap? If you ever hear this in your software development organization don't walk away. Run!

This indicates a few problems:

1. Management. Has Failed. Full stop. Either management has taken leave of their senses or they do not care anymore and are looking for work elsewhere because the children they manage has worn them down.

2. Upper Management. Has also failed. They do not realize that the team will be producing shit and that only developer egos are driving the production. They need to fire people but they are too scared.

3. Education. Is allowing people to enter the workforce without the appropriate humility to solve problems.

So run. You will not be able to fix this problem as it has rotted the entire management chain. Eventually the product and probably the company will fail. Then, and only then will Karma be a bitch. But they will be able to blame others.