Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Car, the Pedestrians, and the Cow

This evening my boys and I were walk home on the west side of  Elgin. When crossing Somerset in the pedestrian walk we approached a car turning right. Elgin traffic was busy, and so there was no chance that the car could turn right. Yet it blocked the pedestrian walk.

So here is the dilemma: We cannot walk behind the car because there is another car next to it and we could not squeeze between. We cannot walk in front of the car because this would mean we would need to walk into traffic on Elgin and possibly die.

But the car could back up.

So, other than standing in the middle of the pedestrian walk, in the middle of the intersection. I suggested to the driver of the blocking car to back up.

For this helpful suggestion, a passenger in another car yelled at me:

"Oh come one, walk around".

This (and I am being generous here) ignorant fat cow wanted me and my children to risk our life by walking in front of the car into Elgin traffic to get around a car when pedestrians have the right-of-way.

Examples of base ignorance and stupidity explain the problems with society, and our species.