We have all had to listen to those large corporate goals. Someone was paid good money to think up catchy phrases that becomes the "Raison d'Etre" of the company. These large sweeping arcs that describe what you must be striving for in your everyday workaday world. Sometimes they contain a wankfest of over and incorrectly used real worlds such as "ecosystem", "organic", or "DNA".
But how can you use this to demoralize your staff?
Announce to your staff the usual set of pointless and soon to be forgotten "mantras". But add one new one near the top of the list. What is the amazing demoralizing mantra?
Voluntary Employee Turnover.
What the....
Yes, this is actually a term used in scholarly articles (eg. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/256629?uid=3739448&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21104483170497) to describe people wanting to leave an organisation.
If you add this to, say, one of the top three goal of your organization, and you place a desire percentage to that goal what does that tell your employees? How would that make them feel?