Do you have a well motivated and competent staff? Are they coming up with new and innovative ideas regularly? Is your quality and productivity high?
Then clearly, you do not have enough rules, procedures, and lawyers.
Step 1 Conformance
Enforce conformance. Doesn't matter if its a government standard, or even your own governments standard, make conformance to ALL of them mandatory even if it makes no sense.
Can't find a protocol or procedure of your own? Make one up.
To help the process, make believe a standard does things it doesn't. Claim FIPS 140 will protect you.
Ensure that your staff spends every waking hour at work investigating, changing, and working on conformance. This mind numbing pointless work will ensure you are well on your way to killing your deadline and demotivating your staff.
Hire more lawyers to keep that hamster running in that wheel.
Stay tuned for the next instalment...