Friday, 8 March 2013

Killing Motivation #2 - Training

Nothing tells your employees that you care like investing in them. This is normally in the form of training. Training your employees, sending them to courses, and paying for their courses, tells them that you care about their development, their career, and their place in the organization.

But what if you don't care? What if you think that your employees are merely vessels to drain and then dispose of?

In this case, not paying for training is clearly insufficient. What you need to add is a mind game.

To do this you first of all have to tell your employees at large that you support training and that you will pay for it and that includes trips to far flung exotic places like New Jersey. Then, while the poor suckers look for a course that would be appropriate them to be a better skilled employee in the company you send out an email indicating that there are "internal" and "no cost" mechanisms (like reading a book) that would fulfil the training offer. Even better, suggest they spend an hour googling some subject. If they attempt to request a course then deny it, claiming their is no budget.

Nothing says "We don't give a shit" like a good mind game.