Sunday, 17 March 2013

Your ego owns the fast lane.

So you are in the fast lane doing 120 klicks in your red Chrysler van. You see me catching up on the inside. So what do you do? 

You speed up because you know its against the law for anybody to be faster than your ego, fragile that it is. Once you realize that nobody can pass you on the right, since there are other vehicles doing 120 klicks on the right you slow to 120 klicks. 

Now we have gridlock. Thank you. I was scared that your esteem issues would get the better of you, big man.

Nobody can pass you, nobody can get by you, all you have to do is stay in the fast lane doing the same speed as the middle lane.

Fortunately for the rest of us you have to exit. We can continue, safe from your retardedness. And to be fair, your plate told me you weren't quite from Ottawa. But I have seen this ego-lunancy from Ottawa before. Its really a human species thing.