Hurrah! You have been allowed to use 40 hours of your working year to training in ....whatever. But then you receive an email saying that you must attend a talk presented by a Toupeyed perfumed gigolo-executive on some Three Letter Acronym (TLA) and this talk counts against your training.
Your training time now has become devalued to that of Canadian Tire Money, or the European equivalent, the Euro.
Not only is the TLA made up, but we are informed that we must be part of our DNA. So we have taken a scientific term based on research, considered scientific opinion, and fact, and reduced it to the level of bullshit. It's a sad, sad day for the human species.
I am not sure what the colour of the sky is in your world but its not clear to me what I could possibly learn to make me a better productive contributor than spending hours on a imaginary subject like one of hundreds that the upper floors float like a bad fart in an elevator.
Dignify that email with a special place in the spam folder aaaaaannnnnnndddd ....flush.